Catherine's Blog

Stepping Into the Flow of Change - Part IV

(posted: 06/16/2015)

This is the final post in my series on resistance.


We've discussed several elements of resistance in the previous posts, and now we will talk about the flow of change.

Many of you, I'm sure, have experienced being in the flow of change at some point in your life. It is when you can feel that you are in the flow with the Universe. It is an energy dynamic that supports you on the path you are traveling upon. You know, where everything is going your way and you know you are going in the right direction!

So how can you create the circumstances for being in the flow of change?

  • You must trust yourself and those inklings you get when Spirit is speaking to you.
  • Work through those feelings of resistance
  • Heal your own issues of self-doubt
  • Be aware of your own self-sabotaging behaviors
  • Heal your fears

When you want to create change in your life look within. You hold all the answers that will open the doors to stepping into the flow of change.

Here are some guideposts to help you create an opening so you can step into the flow of change.

  1. Live from an authentic place of Self-love
  2. Truly know who you are
  3. Trust and act on your inner knowing

Change is hard, even when we are looking for it or consciously choose it, and resistance is very common. If you would like some guidance and support on your journey, _MANX_LINK_/contact/_ and let's talk!

Read the Entire Resistance series:

  • Stepping Into the Flow of Change - Part IV


"Where Hope resides,
there you will find Faith

Within this Faith you will find
Trust, Forgiveness & Peace

In this Peace you will find
no room for
worry or anger in your heart"

Copyright © 2001 - 2025 Catherine M. Benenati. All rights reserved.