Catherine's Blog

Part V: The Benefits of Healing an Active Memory

(posted: 07/26/2013)

Some Benefits to Healing an Active Memory

In Part IV, we touched briefly on why you might find it important to heal those active memories.

There are many ways healing an active memory could help with your inner well-being. The benefits vary as do each of us and our issues.

One very common area affected by active memories is in the way you feel about, or believe in, your "worthiness to have".

Here are some life-changing benefits to healing an active memory. Any way you approach these active memories, you'll find that the benefits far out way any emotional discomfort you may experience during the process of healing them.

  • Your active memories are the ones that can be the keys to unlocking your freedom to have what you want.
  • Each active memory is an opportunity to heal a self-limiting belief within. These self-limiting beliefs affect your worthiness to have, so healing them can open new vistas and create new opportunities for you.
  • These active memories may be interconnected, though you are not consciously aware of it. Discoveries like this will be one of the many Aha! moments you may experience as you journey through your active memories.

As you explore your active memories through self-awareness and methods of self-inquiry, or with professional guidance, the benefits to you can be unlimited.

Always remember you are worthy to have love, happiness, joyful relationships and fulfillment in your life.

Active Memories Series
Part V: The Benefits of Healing Active Memories


"Where Hope resides, there you will find Faith
Within this Faith you will find Trust, Forgiveness & Peace
In this Peace you will find no room for worry or anger in your heart"

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