about - root
Teacher of Light

Catherine's Story

Self-Inquiry began for Catherine at 13 years old and continues to this day, asking an important question to which the answer has unfolded throughout the years: "I know I'm here to help people but how do I do that?"

Her Self-Awareness questions were answered when Catherine sought to understand her intuitive nature and the unveiling of her healing ability.

Catherine has learned that Self-Love, the result of healing oneself, is the key to all changes, big and small. Catherine walks her talk and has gone before you on the path. She knows how to help you work through your inner obstacles and pain, and what you need to reach your own place of healing.

In September 2010 she had a dream that answered another question. Catherine says, "I was not clear on what to call my work and myself. In this dream, Spirit told me I was a 'Teacher of Light'. This startled me so much that I woke up surprised, but also energized. This title seemed to represent such a big responsibility, and yet it described the many levels of my work so accurately."

Catherine has been in private practice since 1987. For 26 years Catherine has had an office in the San Francisco Bay Area; she now maintains an office in Modesto, a thriving metropolis in California's Central Valley.

Teacher of Light

Catherine is a Teacher of Light. This is the umbrella term for the many ways Catherine is able to help individuals to heal and make new choices. Her "light" helps clients to feel safe so they can be guided through their fears, worries and obstacles to change and inner peace.

Masters in Spiritual Psychology

The knowledge gained from this course of study addresses the many levels within each of us as spiritual beings. In particular, the power of forgiveness and techniques for stepping into your personal life dreams are incorporated into all programs.

Empathic Healer

Through the art of conversation, Catherine's innate ability as an Empathic Healer allows her to ask the questions that lead to uncovering the necessary answers for healing. This process can identify what needs to occur in order to achieve desired goals.

Multidimensional Energy Medicine of the Heart & Soul

There are many dimensions within each of us. With a specialized form of Multidimensional Energy Medicine, Catherine is able to transform energy patterns, beliefs, and behaviors on many levels.

Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Catherine is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and specializes in bringing closure and completion to Soul issues.

Founder of Women of Light Foundation (WOLF)

Catherine founded Women of Light Foundation (WOLF), in 2013, for the betterment of Soul and to create a greater Soul awareness that is much needed on our planet today.

WOLF is creating and presenting events, programs and retreats in various communities. The intention is to bring light where there is darkness and to illuminate the way to new ways of being for those who are ready for greater understanding and planetary change.

Copyright © 2001 - 2025 Catherine M. Benenati. All rights reserved.